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Sunday, June 10, 2007

A swanky party...

Last week Kathy and I were invited to a big party at a local hotel - the Don Giovanni. This hotel is half a block from where our new building is being constructed, so I have already been talking to their management about working some long term arrangement for our visitors to stay there after we move. The Don Giovanni is basically a higher end tourist hotel, but it was just acquired by Dorint and will be making some changes to attract more business clients (and their higher profit margin). That timing of that will work out for us just fine. The party was to christen the new Dorint change.

It was very upscale, with free food and drinks and many door prizes (alas, we didn't win one). Before the free food they had a fashion show, which had 1930 as a theme. The host told us that in 1930 the Czech Republic was in a very prosperous and productive period and they wanted to say that it was heading in that direction again. It seemed odd celebrating the prosperous year that was 1930 since our great depression started in late 1929. I had thought the whole world had followed the US instantly into depression, but perhaps there was a lag. Anyway, it was a great time and here are a couple of photos.

This looks like it could be one of those "host a murder parties".

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